
There are configuration properties that are supported by the plugin:


name: file, type: File, required, system property: keepass.file - a KeePass file.


name: password, type: String, optional, system property: keepass.password - a KeePass master password.

Key file

name: keyFile, type: File, optional, system property: keepass.keyfile - a KeePass key file.


name: records, type: List, required - a list of KeePass entries that have to be read and set as properties during Maven build process. The format is described in this chapter.

JCE workaround

name: jceWorkaround, type: boolean, optional, default: false, system property: keepass.jce-workaround - activate unlimited Java Cryptography Extension policy for Java 7 and newer without installing extra packages. More details are in JCE Workaround chapter

Filter duplication

name: ignoreDuplicates, type: boolean, optional, default: false, system property: keepass.ignore-duplicates - ignores groups and/or entries duplication error. By default, maven build process stops with error if multiple results were found by groups or entries filter. More details are in Duplications handling chapter

Disable plugin

name: skip, type: boolean, optional, system property: keepass.skip - disable the plugin.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""